Protect your mental health
The social media space today just got me thinking crazy
From one heart wrenching news to the other
Bad government policies, harrassment of defenceless citizens by uniformed men, abuse of power, a family burnt to death, in short countless death reports, feuds, depression, the list goes on and on
Stop stop stop
Had to shut it down
This was just alot to take in
Then I think of everyone around and wonder
How's anyone coping in these times?
This brings me to the talk
There's just a whole lot going on in our world today
Pressures on all front, family, job, society
It's pressure, pressure, pressure
Sometimes you may not even realize how burnt out you are cos you're still running
Without knowing you're running on empty
Then the cracks begin to show
Irrational decisions, irritation, anger, anxiety, depression....
Life will never stop placing demands on you
The good thing is you can always step up to the plate
But you have to take care of you
No one will do that for you
Protect your mental health
You're feeling overwhelmed, step on that brake
Exhausted, step on the brake
Confused or you just think you're not in your elements, step on that brake
Step on the brake and you can come back to the game at your 100%.
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