The sibling rivalry; can't live with them, can't live without them.

'For the umpteenth time D leave your sister alone' I screamed as I tried quelling yet another duel
Five minutes later we were repeating the same circle
D wouldn't let his sister be for a minute.
Anything in her possession is what he wants
If she refuses to play with him, he'd cry
When she plays with him, they fight and end in premium tears

After an episode of their endless fights, hubby decided to take D along with him as he was going to the car wash and then run some errands that cool Saturday.
And so of they went that morning. Upon their return late in the afternoon D ran and hugged his sister with hubby on his tail telling me how D spent all day asking of his sister and crying for her at some point
In less than 10 minutes of his return they were at it again, fighting over a toy

Of course this is not peculiar to D and his sister. My siblings and I had our own fair share of fights, over food, clothes, toys everything and nothing and yet you miss each other the minute you're away.
What was it like with yours?
Siblings; can't live with them, can't live without them.


  1. 😂😂😂 I don't even know where to start sharing mine. It will be story for another day.


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