Who bewitched us?

This right here got me laughing so hard and at the same time deeply saddened at the state of our nation; what we are and what we could be

62years post independent and we still have light, good roads, free education, primary health care....the basic of the basics as manifesto promises of politicians running for any office

If we're still struggling with the basics how can we focus on making decisions, policies or actions that would better us?
How can we compete with other nations? How can our people compete? What chances do we have in the international field?
What is the hope of the common man?

Our situation is worst in comparison to an orphaned child. We do not only have no direction but we have decided to be our own source of hindrance. 
We refuse to build our health care system but spend billions abroad to get it
The quality of our educational system; laughable but we pay to have ourselves or our kids in the best abroad
Business crumpling daily because sourcing raw materials and cost of production is over the roof, not to mention unfavourable government policies. 
Who has bewitched us?

Elections are drawing near 
Let the promises begin again.


  1. We bewitched ourselves o... Let's leave people in power first, how do others behave when they have a little authority?

    And I always ask myself, "How can I make a difference when I get there?"

    1. As it should be!

      It really is always easier to point fingers.


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