As e be so, any which way, na way...

The moral decadence in our society!

Back in the days all we feared was collecting puff-puff or chewing gum from a classmate and appearing in a coven by 12am
Days when asking for boiled egg made parents call you 'long throat'
When children weren't entitled to meat; you'd hang around the sitting room while Daddy ate and rush to clear his dish so you'd eat the piece of meat intentionally left
Days when everybody was a parent to the children in their community. Uncles and Aunties needn't wait for your parents whenever you misbehaved, they corrected you immediately 
When eating in your neighbour's house without the consent of your parents appeared to be the worst crime
Where every single thing you owned could be traced and accounted for

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye we would now make excuses for yahoo boys and make up arguments in their defence?
That instead of aiding in whatever capacity we find ourselves, we quickly take out our phones, makes videos and run online
Ritual killing, kidnapping, armed robbery, banditry, rape and the likes doesn't even get the raise of the brows anymore, we just read it as another story online and keep scrolling

Today we have unemployed youths driving Benz, gold chains on their necks, iPhones to flaunt and we hail them 'Big boy, Baddest boy'
Some parents go as far as saying 'No be your mate? Go make you learn how e take make am. Na one head una two get'
Nobody questions your source of wealth ; just throw the money around
Nobody cares what you do and even they dare to ask, we claim invasion of privacy 
Nobody wants to go through 'all those harsh societal corrections' for/on their kids cause it's an abuse

When and how did we get here?
Ask any child around you what they'd love to be in future. The old time Lawyer, Doctor, Pilot we used to hear has been replaced with 'I want to make money'.

How do we right this wrong?


  1. They will say "Wgy are you asking me the source of my wealth, dis you also ask me the source of my poverty"

    The decadence.

    1. Would've made the usual comment of 'let us pray' but prayers are offered daily. We need to act consciously now to right it all.


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