Bitter truth we refuse to tell ourselves

As I packed up my things, my heart broken into even more tiny bits with every item I threw in my traveling box 

This wasn't how I pictured things would be between us
It had been almost two years of loving but every time the subject of commitment came up, he'd say he wasn't just ready
No, there was no delusion or false promises when the relationship began
But as the helplessly hopeless romantic that I was and still am, I thought, well, love would win in the end
I was no longer comfortable with what we shared, I wanted more
So I kept trying to make it work
Everything I could think of, in every way i could think of, I did. Still....

So I sat myself down and told myself the  painful ugly truth
He has told you he's not ready
You want more and he just can't give it
Therefore it's time to move on
So without a word,I packed up and left town
The best decision I ever made for myself,  for him, for us
Four months later we were married
Five years after he told me one day ' Your leaving town made me realize how empty my life was without you. I couldn't function, everything turned to chaos. I knew I had to find you Babe. You're everything I could ever have wanted and more'

Looking back, I'm happy I took that step to let him be and I'm glad he came to the decision of spending forever with me without being pressured or influenced
He treats me like some fine China and practically worships the ground I walk on

He's not making the commitment to you so you've decided to try some more
Last month you moved into his house
Now you're contemplating getting pregnant? No sis it doesn't work. At most he'd be forced to give you the ring but how about true happiness and not some obligation based kinda marriage?
Ohhhhh this right here isn't a one sided thing
You've been proposing the next step and she keeps evading it or saying no, give me time
What if indeed your happily ever after is waiting at your next stop?
What if it's God's way of saving you from crazy?
Yes Dear, it's time to give it a rest
Time to move on and find you
And if it's truly yours to have, you surely will.


  1. Atimes people are confused between fighting for love and letting her go so she can find her way back home.


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