Family's day out; The farting mummy.

'Thank you our sweet Daddy' the kids screamed as they each were handed their cones of icecream
It was indeed a day of family fun
Several games at the park and all the junk they could want, the kids were having the time of their lives

One of those rare occasions when we stole into Daddy's calendar and colonized him for the whole day
Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! all the way

Having Daddy always working, whenever he's available, the kids cling to him and today was no exception 
They ran across the field chasing him
Took several car rides with him
Swings, shared his snacks....

And there I was watching 
Yes, it was fun but then these kids seemed to have forgotten I was the one who carried them for 9 months and went under the knife to birth them hmmmmm
Well, I decided to insert myself in their fun world so I chased and grabbed my son. 
The minute my hands held him a dangerous praaaa papapa escaped somewhere. 
Thankfully other kids and parents were a little distant from where I caught him

He was laughing so much as i walked with him to join his father and other families.
The young man ran off and just when I was within earshot i heard him shout so loudly to his Dad as he ran 'Daddy mummy is farting'
You should've seen hubby's face. And the parents around? 
Oh my chest! 
What a wonder and embarrassment!

So much for wanting to get involved in their fun time
Well, it was nothing but common sense that got me sitting on the bench, sipping my soda and pressing my phone until it was time to leave.

To play with children no be by force. Besides, why tamper with my maturity?


  1. Replies
    1. The kind of comment only a jealous person will make.

      Leave my maturity for me oh๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ญ


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