Happy International women's day

They say break the bias
Women are everything; friends, confidants, running back and forth to make everyone's lives better and most times neglecting themselves, giving up their careers, bodies, sacrifices on sacrifices and more sacrifices.

Unconditionally loving
Not easily broken
All these and more and women never stop giving of themselves for a minute
With all the stereotyping and societal pressures, women still do good.

To flip the script it would be a great time to not just hail the women for everything they are and every possible role they fill but to also honour the 'real men' who stand by their women to helping them to live their true selves to the fullest, who help to make the job easier, who love and support their women in every way.

To my Mum, a true superwoman. You're the definition of everything good. Thank you for all your sacrifice and labour of love. 

Cheers to my Dad who inculcated in me the discipline, principles and character that formed the basic foundation for my becoming the woman I am today.

And to the best man ever; my husband, whose loving makes the sun look like a shadow in comparism to how bright and happy he has made my life.

To every beautiful woman out there, thank you for all you do.


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