I have to remain a Mrs.

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
With every shovel of sand thrown, memory of the lovely woman she was, was wiped away from earth's surface.

The system compromised, a little money changing hands, little technicalities  in the judicial system, husband walked free
But her life was lost
Lost for all eternity 
Her kids? Well, her body was barely cold when relatives took them.

Leave this man alone
Why don't you move on with your life?
Friends and family told her severally 
Hmmmmmm I can't, I have to stay for my kids. I don't want him to take them away from me and besides if I succeed in living I don't have the means to cater for four kids, Not to mention what the society would say. Let him just train the children. Besides others are having it worst. Except for the occasional fights, he's a wonderful man, he provides everything we need.

Over and over she justified her decision to remain in the marriage 
Until the family grew weary of talking and the friends, tired of giving endless words of comfort and neighbours, exhausted from having to come to her rescue too many times to count such that this time when they heard her screaming again as his fists landed on her, they just thought 'there they go again'.
Who would've thought this was going to be the final blow?
How could she have known her life was going to be cut short that day?

'I will kill you and nothing will happen' he threatened so many times 
Kill her he did and thanks to the corrupt system, nothing was happening 
Six months later, he was already married to another
Everything she thought she was holding on for, lost. Her life, her kids, her marriage, all lost.

No, it's not peculiar to the female gender
Many men have been sacrificed on this altar too for so many reasons.
Domestic violence is a killer
Leave now that you still can.


  1. Whenever I hear or read about DV, I wonder if the victim never saw the signs and why they still stayed.

    1. Sometimes it beats all reasonable explanations


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