It's not like I'm hungry oh but the food sweet; give me second plate.

Heeeeeeyyyyyy God!
Uncle Johnbull coman see yasef oh!

Let me begin from the beginning 
My mother's name is Love and my younger sister, Charity so everywhere you turn my mother is literally walking in love.
Her own kind of loving nature is second to none
That a visitor comes unannounced is no excuse not to be well fed and given the best hospitable treatment my mum can even if it meant some of us sacrificing for the visitor. Combine that nature with being a pastor's wife,that's Mama Charity for you.

That's how Uncle Johnbull after his first visit discovered this weakness of obioma of Mama Charity
And like a person under some kinda influence this Uncle somehow always shows up when the food is almost ready, pretend he's not really interested when the food is offered but eats at least 2 plates.
Uncle became a regular visitor oh, from boring gists till he got comfortable and became the guardian of our TV remote.
Uncle did not allow us have joy in our father's house again
-Food ration reduced
-TV we couldn't watch
-House no more fun
But as godly well mannered children we never showed our displeasure but like a volcano hmmmmm we erupted

One beautiful Sunday Uncle Johnbull landed as usual but unfortunately for him my parents were staying longer than usual in church due to some meetings 
Well, we sat in front of the TV watching our Superstory jejely when Uncle asked us for his own food. Nobody answered oh. If only he was wise he would've seen that as a sign from God but no, Uncle took the remote, put his football channel then went ahead to demand food again

After all our sufferings because of you?
The way my younger brother moved like a shooting star
Next thing Uncle Johnbull was hanging up in the air as my brother gave him express instructions never to branch our house again.
Following day he was passing by our house when Mum called him to come share in the fruits she was eating
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, I've never seen a person say 'thank you' that fast.
That's how Uncle Johnbull wanted to finish the Love in my mother's name.


  1. Lols... There are three things, faith, love and charity and the greatest is Love.


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