Mother's day: Season 2

'Prayer point number 83:
Every evil around me, dieeeeeeeee dieeeeee
Clap clap clap your hands and say that prayer
Shake your head,  every evil spirit around you must leave by fire!' screamed the prayer leader into the microphone 

Past 2pm and we began shaking and clapping since 6:30am with dry fasting that was to last for three days
To make matters worst, there was no hiding place from the ushers walking around grilling and drilling us worst than slave task masters 

My younger brother decided to sit down at some point hmmmmm he was unfortunately rounded up by these ushers and before we could say Jack, one bottle of Goya oil was emptied on his head
The rest of us didn't need anyone telling us to pick up the pace
Day 1, we got home almost 9pm and dozed off the rest our weary souls

Our ordeal began when my Mum decided she's had enough of our craze and tabled our matter before her husband 
You know that period in your teenage life where you think you've arrived because you've started using shaving bic, have one or two strands of beards or some thought of tangerine growing maturity on your chest 
Mum decided we needed deliverance to cure us from the spirit that had hotwired our brains and so with the backing of her husband, two of my cousins, my immediate younger brother and my humble self were bundled to a Firebrand church

12:45pm day 2 we were beginning to see the gate of heaven
My younger brother whispered to me 'I'm leaving oh, I can't die here'
I passed the information to my cousins and before 20minutes we had scaled the church fence as the gates were always locked up till close of prayers
We used our transport to buy garri, groundnut and water begged for plate and spoon from the woman who sold to us and we had our feast of deliverance
Of course we trekked home and by the time we arrived all we wanted was our bed as usual 

By the third day, we were wholly, thoroughly and completely cured of the rebellious spirit in us
We could barely talk how much more have energy for disobedience 
My Mum was a correct disciplinarian who always found innovative ways to cure us whenever we started acting up
As we celebrate mothers day, I celebrate all the mothers out there and their creative ways of always resetting our brains to factory setting; thank you for watching over us.
Happy mother's day once again.


  1. My own Mother had her pestle and slippers and special kobold for manual reset to factory settings.

    Kudos to all mothers.

    Kudos to you too for being an amazing mum to Divine and Zara!

    Happy Mothers Day.


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