My baby's doing it faster than yours

'You mean your baby is still using feeding bottle at almost 2years?
Ha! I stopped everything milk for mine at 9 months'
Then she went on a rundown of all the things her baby did so early from teething to running and everything in between 

As first time Moms, it can be so disconcerting when we meet this kind of mothers who are walking encyclopedias 
Noooo, they never made any mistakes with their babies, their babies grew into every milestone with the snap of the fingers so they don't seem to understand why your baby isn't weighing 50kg or teething or crawling. And may God help you if they meet you in that confusing state when your baby is crying; by the time they're done reading you the child book manual you'd be left wondering if you're even supposed to be a mother at all

My son(first child) had this very long dark curly hair that left him looking very cute and people always mistook him for a girl
By the time he clocked 1yr+, I started getting talks and advise left right centre to cut his hair
Ohhhhh the pressure was so much, and one day we eventually did
That was one decision I regretted 
Although it looked harmless, there was actually no rationale behind the advise except that he was a boy so we should cut it off

Let young parents raise their kids 
There's a fine line between giving help and meddling 
You see that young mother around you? She's giving that baby her best
Where her decisions are not life threatening or harmful to her baby, let her be
And if you must, please render your help or advise in love
Do not mount unnecessary pressure on the mothers, there's no award for the baby who started teething first or walking first or potty training first. Every baby will surely grow into these milestones in their own time

You want something to do?
Tell your own experiences and give words of encouragement.


  1. I wish they will learn to just let mothers (and fathers) be.


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