My honey from the Honeywell

When I call hubby my biggest blessing in life some mistake it for the material things he showers me
Hubby is a crazy and selfless giver
Always going out of his way for those around him
But, that's not it for me

Just yesterday I spent countless minutes listening to a woman on the phone talk about how unhappy she was in her home and if time were to be reversed she'd have taken some steps to protect her peace and sanity

Hubby is my blessing because he gives me peace of mind
No price tag on peace of mind will do
A spouse who gives you peace on all fronts, from financial to emotional is a priceless treasure 

The absence of this has led to many separations and subsequent divorce in many marriages 
Having a wonderful partner transcends the things they can buy you
A partner who makes decisions with you in mind
Who pushes you to do better
Who's always on the look out for opportunities that would be beneficial to you or further whatever cause you're pursuing 
One who takes into cognizance how their decisions or actions/inactions would affect you
Material gifts is only one part of a whole

Hubby got me a car recently and when people gush over it, they say 'Your husband is really taking care of you' and I'm like, yeah right?
What about the times he has done the dishes because I was too tired and knocked out with sleep to do it?
Or helping out with the kids?
Or sending links to jobs, videos, audios and the likes that he believes would help or challenge me?
How about him praying for the home when I couldn't ?
Manning the kids so I could take time off to rest?
Buying things because they'd look good on me?
You love the little things I listed above?
So tell me again, why are you still with that partner who doesn't even value your person?

Everyone deserves to be happy 
The red flags are always there
We only choose to ignore them.


  1. I still don't understand why people will choose to stay in an abusive relationship or marriage. I just can't wrap my mind around it.

    1. Seriously!
      Sometimes it gets annoying.
      There was this divorce case of a woman I was handling due to abuse, mid-way into the case she disappeared without trace. Tried everything to find her, to no avail and of course the case died.
      Many years later, someone comes hugging me where I went for a child dedication. It was madam, smiling at me, with no logical explanation for disappearing. Ooohhhhh, she went back to monster hubby and she wanted to start complaining on seeing me.
      Madam biko ewerum that time.

  2. Leaving an abusive union is not as simple as everyone thinks. Journey, by Danielle Steel may help us understand this.

    1. You have given me a book to read like this o.


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