Price tag to life

We have been crying literally on how dehumanizing we are being treated by our government till there's no more tears to shed 

There's no respect or value for human lives anymore 
A simple look around you shows that everyone is practically walking on eggshells cos you never know what you'd be meeting the minute you step outside your door
It's virtually a miracle to go out and come back home in one piece today
Every government set up with a uniform is automatically an outlet of abuse and intimidation to the citizens 
You run from police, to road safety, soldiers, neighborhood watch....
The degrading way houses are broken into and arrests made
The harassment, assault and subsequently, the trauma it leaves you with

For very flimsy reasons so many has lost their lives or spent years locked up behind bars, some found by loved ones, others to be forgotten 
How about properties lost to so called government agencies?
Everyone using the platform created for the betterment of citizens to enrich themselves 

Who do you run to when the ones who are supposed to protect you become the people hunting you?
Tomorrow another video will make rounds on the brutality of a citizen by the officer of the law. Some of us will quickly scroll past besides, it's no family member of ours
But you never know, tomorrow it might just be someone dear to you

We really have to start standing up for ourselves cos if we don't,  who will?


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