She no even fine sef!

I could hear the whispers as they sat behind us
'Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, he married her oh and to think we've been here since he didn't pick any of us. I really had my eyes on this guy for a long long time'
And she gave a wistful sigh

'Take a look at both of them, dark. My own is what their kids will look like when they start giving birth'

It was too hard not to overhear their conversation. 
Hubby and I exchanged glances.
To think we were in church

One of them walked up to me after service 'See how you dark and your husband too dark, abeg make one of una dey rub cream make una pikin fit light'
You didn't need a prophet to tell you this one failed Biology 

Here comes the kick; it's a few years later, those ladies and myself all have birthed two kids and it would shock you to find my kids are better looking and lighter in complexion. So much for marrying a fair lady right?

At the birth of my daughter, a lady who came visiting asked me to apply Funbact A on her body ' it will make her look light and cool' she said

In this quest to have kids looking fair, so many mothers have damaged the skin of their kids. To what end? 
After the pictures and the awwwwwws, what else?

Kids these days are propped to look like adults for unexplainable reasons. 
From skin lightening creams, to heavy makeup, down to crazy hairdos.....
The skin colour or looks of your kids has no influence on what their destinies would be. These things are not a decider at all

Can we just appreciate God for the gift of these beautiful gifts he has blessed us with and let the kids be kids?


  1. Honestly... I remember that day in church vividly. Lols

    Let kids be kids truly.

    1. Yes Sir.

      Having our kids looking all cute and dandy is wonderful but at what cost?


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