There was a country; Nigeria at her best

At a time the citizens are supposed to be having it better, their backs are broken further in pain as they toil to keep it together
From the importation of bad fuel, leading up to scarcity and the ripple effects of almost three times hike in prices of everything one can think of. Domestic flights almost grounded, insecurity at it's peak, cyber crimes, ritual killings, abuse by security forces
Nigeria seems to be headed in a one way lane to a head on collision with destruction 
No sector of the country has any semblance of sanity left because like a lamb, the government is leading the country to slaughter. Unions on strike, epileptic social services, increase in the migration of our youths out of Nigeria 

Before the Russia/Ukrain crisis, fuel sold at #167 and now, #240, #400 and even #600 when oil right now is on an all time.
 Being alive now in Nigeria is a miracle, eating a luxury forget any other thing like getting a job or salary increase. Is there any logical reason for Nigerians having it this bad asides a woeful leadership? No, no excuse ever!


  1. My surprise is that Nigerians protested when fuel was 87 but are docile and gladly buying fuel at 250. Wonders cannot end.

    1. Don't even know where or how to peg our attitude.

      This government only understands brute force and we as people are yet to understand the power we have to hold leaders accountable and demand for what is due us.


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