Today, we're killing it!

Hubby requested for Ofe-Aku today
I rarely make it unless he requests for it
And as my irresistible hot chocolate, I couldn't say no

He bought everything I'd need to make the soup and while going through the ingredients, It took my mind back to something that happened last year

I'm a pretty good cook and I run a catering business by the side
Someone placed an order for some soups and stew
Being a kind of family friend, I decided to trade payment for honest reviews
So I set out to make the meals and delivered

As part of the review I got, he said, the eyes eats the food even before the tongue...
Long story short; were the meals tasty? Yes but in my quest to impress, I overdid it.
I decided to try out spices and methods I hadn't tried before. I told myself I wanted to kill it.  

Here are a few things I learnt from that experience 
-Your place of manifestation is not where you start experimenting. Do well to prepare yourself before opportunity comes knocking 
-Sometimes it's best to stick to what you know. In our bid to tweak things, we sometimes might loose our personal touch on things. Know when to apply the new and when to stick to the old ways
-Trying out new ways is not bad in itself. If you fail, you learn and move on.
Learn and learn some more behind closed doors so you don't start learning on the spotlight 

Thankfully it was an inside job. I took the reviews and applied it. My cooking has gotten better cos my eyes were opened to somethings I thought were negligible.

Your place of manifestation is not where you start learning to try things out
Learn behind closed doors before the opportunities come knocking.


  1. This is like the message I've been hearing from different quarters and you've re-echoed it.

    You don't learn to be a surgeon whe you're in the theatre with a life and death situation it takes atleast 7 years of intensive learning in Medical school and more years of on the job training (as internship and residency).

    That said... its always best to stay in the place of preparation. David spent about 40years or more of training to be king. No wonder his kingdom resonates till date.


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