‘This is my opportunity to chop this guy, besides meeennnnhhhhh this is a once in a while kinda opportunity’ so Ebuka ordered about five wraps of pounded yam, fisher man soup, with a bottle of drink to step it down then he smiled at his host and said ‘You know I’m a big guy, I need more than the average to fill me up’

Some persons are so gifted in eating and loosing their senses. When it comes to food, they forget all composure, discipline and gulp down any and everything they can .This isn’t just about a person eating, but eating so much that persons around you begin to ask questions or express shock. A meal that was supposed to be for four or five vanishes with the light of speed and yet it feel like it isn’t enough for the one person who ate it all

A gluttonous person is ruled by what goes into his mouth and as such can be bought by it. He may also be lacking in self control hence the name ‘Glutton’ in the first place. Some persons do this in their relationships as well, taking, taking and taking, giving nothing in return. All that matters is how their insatiable appetites can be satisfied

Some will say ‘I can eat anything and not gain weight at all’. That’s not bad until you can’t help yourself anymore with how you eat. Anything that cannot be put in check is surely negative and ultimately dangerous. Glutton is financially, physically and psychologically challenging. If you think self control is not important, ask Esau in the Bible.


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