Judas kiss

Integrity; a priceless commodity that can take years to build and seconds to destroy. Integrity doesn't come cheap. It has to be tested over and over again and built over time to be trusted so before you stake yours for anybody, be very sure of that person.

So someone i had alot of respect for because he had proven himself trustworthy, referred me to Mr A for a service. Based on the trust for my person, i didn't even give it a second thought.
Made payment, expecting immediate service, only for Mr A to send a message that the service would be rendered in about two weeks time hmmmmmmm he never stated this until he got my alert oh
On the said date, nothing. Three days after i asked about the service, Mr A starts apologising and says he's still working on it and a few other logistics, so he gives me a later date
One month later, I'm yet to get the service i paid for, no apologies, nothing. 
I wouldn't have made payment for the service to Mr A if not for the integrity of the person who referred me
I'm equally so pained but can't tell my friend cos he's someone i really respect way up there

The whole situation isn't only vexing but got me thinking, it's not everybody who does business that should carry your endorsement. Be sure, very sure before you make that referral, before you post that business on your timeline, before you sign that Guarantor's form or stand as surety
Just be very sure it's not a Judas you're staking your neck for!


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