Judging is easier

It’s easier being on the standpoint of judgment than empathy. It quicker to make conclusions and rule on people than making efforts to understand the why and how they do the things they do.

A woman told a story of how she went for antenatal and seated a few seats away from her was another pregnant lady who was having snacks and soda but the catch was that she was on her third can when the antenatal class began and in the course of teaching, the nurses taught them to abstain from carbonated drinks. Of course all eyes turned to the woman who had just drank several cans right before the class. Long story short, after the class, she found out that the lady in question had low sugar hence the drinks

While growing up, I had this Aunt who’d always taunt my Mum about her tummy, recommend the heavens and even bought her a girdle that Mum should work on herself. Several years later, she got married and four kids after, she looks like Michelin’s eldest cousin

Let’s consciously adopt the attitude of looking out for people, keeping an open mind about the things we see, standing more in the place of empathy, care and understanding, than judgment bearing in mind that one good turn deserves another. One day, we might be in need of an understanding shoulder to lean on and I pray someone shows up for us.



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