Will Smith said love will make you do crazy things and yes, the honourable gentleman was so damn right.

I was brought up as the well mannered girl who crossed all her T’s and dotted all her i’s, no picking of the nose in public, no talking with food in your mouth, cross your legs when you sit, no eating on the road…

Then hubby Dearest happened to me. How would I have known that meeting him was going to be a life transforming encounter? Some days back, I came to the realization that there were some meals I no longer made because of man oh, hey God.

As if that’s not enough, waking at night to hunt for food in the kitchen has now become our all time favourite sport and I’m sure you know what the repercussion is;  gaining fat in wonderful places and in his bid to comfort me, this Igbo man will say ‘Baby why are you trying to starve yourself? You’re a mother of two and you look great’ while he’s handing me the spoon for another mid-night meal. How did I ever get here sweet Lord?

Hahahahhhhhhahaaaa, now for a  shocking one. The first time I heard it, I didn’t believe my ears. Kprrraaaarrraa, I was shocked out of my senses. How can this man without remorse or any apology whatsoever, deliver such an earth shattering, loud and horrifying fart in my presence?

Oh I was left aghast with shock. I grew up releasing mine silently or using the toilet whenever I sensed a rebellious one coming up. This always got hubby laughing. I tried my best to make my honourable hubby see the error of his ways but nah, he was already set in his ways oh and having so much fun

You know the saying ‘when you can’t beat them, you join them?’ That’s where we are now oh, engaging in the battle of the messiest. I can’t come and die under the guise of being prim and proper while another man is flexing nature at my expense.

What crazy habits has love made you pick up or drop?

                  ASTA LA VISTA


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