‘The reason I’m this way is because I just need small time and cash. Once I get myself in order, everybody around will feel my impact. Let this job just click.’


But to do simple dishes for your parents is akin to world war III. No one dare calls you for any errand. The only time you smile when your name is mentioned is when the meal is ready.

And you’re still anticipating shocking your family, my Dear, they are already living in a shocking relationship with you.

You called your friend for financial aid of 20k, he sent you 4k and told you that’s all he could give. You look at the credit alert in anger and murmur ‘stingy guy’ instead of typing out your gratitude to him. The alternate week you’re calling again for help. Even if na you, you go give?

You' were squatting with your friend, she did all the chores, stocked the house with everything, all you contributed was take, take and take from the relationship and you wonder why she has asked you to leave?

Everything does not always begin and end with money. The little things matter as well.

That sms to say thank you, that one minute call of encouragement, just giving a listening ear to that friend or standing with them in their bad times, that service you’re rendering in place of cash, you spent your last cash to buy pure water for the house or that Bobo you bought for your Aunty’s kids and you think she didn’t notice?

What you give will surely come back to you.  Like little bricks, step by step those little acts of kindness would make a mountain and it will come back to you in amazing rewards. You don’t have to have all the money in the world, begin somewhere today to touch those around you.


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