New month, new day!
Pain and tears
Good times and bad
We'd keep moving
New month, new day
Yet our resolve remains the same
We won't quit, won't faint
Won't drown in the storms that come our way
Come hell or high waters
We're coming out even stronger
No, the storms won't kill us
Our visions are clear
Our goals, intact
Our faith, unwavering
Our steps, solid
Our resolve, unshaken
Mistakes don't define us
Circumstances can't stop us
Bureaucracy, nepotism, favouritism, religion, war, rumours of war, schemes and plots, conspiracies, backstabbing, hatred, envy, jealousy
Whatever the tide brings
Yes, we're not blinded by the prejudice of our world
Tested, tried, yet we won't die
It can't consume us
It may not happen exactly as planned
It may not happen in our own time
But time still does stand to favour us
And when it happens, that would be our time
The perfect time
We are the reason, We define the season
We sprout, We rise
We bring colour to our world
We season our world
New month, new day
Yet our resolve remains the same
May the odds always be in our favour
The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. I have a good heritage from God.