Planting for greater harvesting

This is a government living up to it's promise for once!
We really didn't understand when the campaigns were on going saying that it was a government of change
Change of life as we know it
Change in every sense of the word to 
steal the joy of citizens
They promised that they'd fight corruption and in our President's bid to pass the message, he took a total of 166 days in his first tenure to meticulously hand pick men with stainless repute as his cabinet members

Fight corruption, fight corruption 
EFFC picking citizens left right and centre under the guise of suspicion, investigation and interrogation
Days ago the ruling political party released to us the cost of normination forms for different cadre and 100million Naira was the amount stipulated for the form of Presidency. A position were the annual income is less than 15million, an aspirant buys form, spends some more millions for campaign and servicing other expenses and then he wins the election. What would be the uppermost agenda of such a person? To provide citizens with basic amenities? Laughable

The government screams 'kill corruption' but her action says differently
Boxing people into corners that turns them into the very thing it claims to abhor
What can be said about civil servants then?
What can be said of all the workers in sectors the government keep depriving of their earnings?
Salary stays the same but 100% inflation in everything
What hope does the masses have?

Well, another election is at hand and when the manifestos start coming in, having learnt the hard way, we'd be wiser and read in between the lines.


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