Here we go again, another life cut short in it’s prime to domestic violence. Weeks back, we were reading about the man who set his wife and her younger brother on fire, leading to their death and today, it’s the death of a beautiful female gospel artist, whose husband had subjected to years of abuse but she chose to cover up and refused to leave the marriage.

If her reason was that he would change, well, it’s obvious to all he didn’t but kept right at it until he killed her.

If she chose not to leave for the sake of her children, she has not only left the marriage, but has finally left the world and rendered her children motherless in the process. Imagine the psychological torture and damage on the kids or the toxicity of the home where the kids would have to watch their father turn their mother into an everyday punching bag.

If her reason for staying put was to prevent people from talking, well, the whole nation and beyond are reading and discussing it as it has made the news headline.

We don’t know why she stayed. Why didn’t people help her given that so many people were aware of the abuse going on? The answer remains the same; nobody will do for you, what you should do for yourself. At best they’d sympathize and advice, but nobody will help you until you are truly tired and ready.

Imagine the world wide sensation, Beyonce, was once in an abusive relationship where he partner beat her at will. Where is he now? We sure wouldn’t be hearing about her today if she had chosen to remain in that relationship.

Abusive relationship is not centered on women alone, it goes both ways. Nothing is more important than your peace of mind, your overall wellbeing and most of all, your life.

No matter what is on the table, once the relationship becomes abusive, RUN. Run as fast as your legs can carry you and don’t look back.

Don’t deprive the world of the beautiful treasure of you because of one person. Leave and live for the sake of your life, your purpose for creation, your loved ones, for those whose lives might be dependent or influenced by you directly or indirectly. Do not deprive the world of you. You’re worth every reason to be alive.


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