Who will patronize you?

My parents had a very important function to attend and my Mum wanted to get something new and glamorous to wear, so I referred her to someone and there the nightmare began 
Undersized clothes
Oversized clothes
Unflattering materials and styles
It went from one thing to the other

This function was quite important so we couldn't settle for the regular 
On and on it dragged until a day to the event
Meanwhile he kept assuring us he had what she needed
Next he said he was expecting a supply to restock and we hoped again 
A day to the event Mum went and sourced for what she'd wear from another vendor

This months marks six months since the payment for that transaction 
No dress, no refund, no apology
We'd have witnessed or heard similar stories around with vendors, photographers, caterers, business persons, tailors, debtors....

Today I'd like to draw our attention to integrity 
In whatever you do, be a person of your word
Your business, place of work, in any dealings you have with others, let people be able to hold you to your word. Be accountable and trustworthy cos doing otherwise might cost you so much more than that quick profit or whatever gain you think you might make
You can't be lacking in these things and expect to thrive cos sooner or later it catches up

As you go about your dealings, let your word be your bond
Whenever or wherever you can't meet up to expectations, conditions or deadlines be honest and upfront enough to say so


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