You receive in the same way you give

'Mrs Dimka'? 
Steven looked at his phone, watching as it rang the second time with growing irritation and thought 'what could she possibly want? The money i have is strictly for my business'

Mr Dimka was a seasoned and well known timber trader. He put in many years of back breaking hard work to become the wealthy tycoon he had was. He was an orphan who had no place to go until luck brought a man his path who taught him little about the timber trade and with his determination, honesty and hard work he turned the timber business into a gold mine.
As his way of giving back, he took people under his wings, who had little or no hope like he did, training them in school or business

Tragically he died due to illness, and as with many African traditions, his family members claimed his estates and businesses as theirs, leaving his widowed wife and two sons, Caleb and Jude, with nothing

Steven was one of the first persons her husband trained, help set up and was resident in same town with the Dimkas. It was only natural Mrs Dimka reached out to him as her closest source of help but he never showed up for the family
Well, providence smiled on the family and through scholarships and some assistance around the kids made good out of themselves

Some years later Jude saw the loan application and couldn't believe his eyes.
Steven had suffered setback in business and needed some financial assistance to tide over until he could find his footing again
Ohhh, we all know how it ended. Of course he didn't get the loan he sought and his business died. A sweet and justified end for Steven right?

Life might present us today with  platforms that has made us to be in a great place but then, how much do we remember of those who helped us rise? The financial assistance, the business links, referrals, advise and many more
Have we climbed up and conveniently forgotten?
Forgotten how much they stood for us to become?
Stood in sacrificing for us?

Our journey to the top will be filled with people whose shoulder we would stand on to grow in one way or the other
May we never forget
May we never bite the hands that fed us
May we do our helpers good and be remember


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