Be kind!

Be kind!
Not everyone has it rosy
Not everyone wears their problems on their faces
You never know what battle the person next to you is fighting

Some weeks ago a friend called me for a loan
Ohhhhhhhh, bad timing!
Told her i didn't have the said amount but will send her something
Hubby was out of town, i looked around the house and saw we could manage somehow so i sent the upkeep money we had left and hoped no eventuality would come up

Hmmmmmm i got a backlash instead of a thank you
The money i sent wasn't up to half of what she was asking but if only she knew i sent her all the upkeep money hubby gave us and was practically left with nothing

People do kind deeds not necessarily because they have in excess or because they're bereft of ideas on how to spend what they have
At the base of every help is love and sacrifice. The sacrifice of making the choice to render help over another alternative

If we are privileged to be recipients of people's help, let's not look down on it because that which you term small might be another's all
Be kind!


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