Claim relationship!

Relationship they say is a powerful currency
Even the Bible says there's a friend that sticks closer than a brother
So many persons just by one relationship have had their lives transformed 360° 

So many equally have met destruction due to relationship
Some turned out to be enemies in disguise, hence the phrase 'if men were God'

Few days ago i called up a long time friend to stand as referee for me essentially because of where he worked. Him serving as my referee would be weighty i believed.
When he discovered what i needed it for and how beneficial it was for me(it would virtually transform the lives of my family  and i), for days, he started making up excuses why he was yet to fill the reference forms until he eventually ghosted me and the time to fill the form elapsed

Have i ever had a quarrel with this friend? No
Did i have any inclination he'd behave this way? NO! He was even comgratulating me in advance on the success of what i was chasing
Well, at the dying minute God showed up in the form of an old acquaintances with a better qualification

So it's not just relationship but the right relationship is truly a great currency
May the right persons come our way whenever the need be. Cheers!


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