Fire Dancer

I was barely functional. I was breathing, walking, sleeping and waking to the dance steps Aunty taught us. One couldn't be too prepared right? Besides Laide made fun of me last year because i missed a step and Aunty removed me. She said i was never going to make it into the choreography group.

Well, i didn't just make it in, i was chosen amongst the top dancers and placed in the front row. I had a point to prove so i rehearsed at every chance i got to avoid giving Laide any opportunity to fault and taunt me. 

That's how pepper body wanted to kill her, she'd be pushing me up  and down during rehearsal to get me to miss the steps but kilowork
 D-day, armed with my white stockings and handgloves i scattered the dance floor, danced like my life depended on it. It was all screams, loud cheers,daddies and mummies spraying money and that's how we landed a full sack of #50 notes.

Guess whhhhaaaattttt!
Aunty gave us #50 each, said i was a lucky charm and from that day on i was a permanent member of my primary school choreography group and we went on to make many beautiful dancing memories until i graduated
Talk about a strong comeback.

Did you experience the power behind the famous white handgloves and stockings?


  1. I never went close to the handgloves and stocking. Never!


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