Glutton Mummy: Shame! Shame!! Shame!!!


Had a rehearsal I had to catch up in church, so I was practically running to get there given that I was several minutes behind schedule. I Drove at the speed of light to pick up the kids from school, then flew with the kids to rehearsals, got there, and thankfully, rehearsals hadn't started.

Then it hit me. Baby girl in her haste didn't eat. Totally forgot to eat all day and the hunger came clapping back with a vengeance. Ding dong, I went to the car searching for the kids' lunch box, and thankfully, my son didn't finish his food. With so much joy in my heart, I began devouring the meal.

My son came around, saw me eating, and went out to play with his sister. Once in a while he'd check on me and runoff. The minute he saw that I had finished the food, he started crying. I thought it would be best to just ignore him since I felt it was another tantrum and he'd get over it. I Went in for rehearsals but this young man followed me into the church where everyone was waiting and started screaming "Mummy finished my rice, Mummy you finished my rice. I'm hungry, hungry"

Imagine how everyone looked at me 'This Mummy that eats her son's lunch'.

Children are something else... 

To survive them one must conquer shame.


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