Happy children's day!

I looked around the room, at the crazy sight of mess the kids had made
Of course i was already exhausted after chasing them around all day, not to mention the chores i had done in between. This was therefore enough reasons to just pull  off my wig and scream 'why me?' However the thought of Nancy put me in check.

Nancy is a friend i recently made. I had always assumed she had kids probably because of her body size until she mentioned how she was praying and hoping for kids. It struck a strong chord in my heart.
Here i was almost screaming because of the mess my kids made, while another was praying for kids who'd create the mess.

Today as we mark children's day, i wonder how Nancy must be feeling watching parents and their kids going about having fun today and the posts on social media platforms. 

Today i celebrate all mothers in waiting. 
Those who have been trying for several years without success,
To the IVFs, from those who can, even to those who can't afford it
Those who have suffered miscarriages
Those who have been mocked or ridiculed and all the emotional torments suffered
We see you, we feel your pains, we pray for you and trust that your home shall be blessed with beautiful children.

Happy children's day!


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