In the name of religion.

Experiences and memories make me laugh when i hear anyone say Islam is a religion of peace.
I remember having lunch with my girlfriends in the University and in the course of our discussion one of us said her Dad had warned her against being friends with Christians because whenever crisis(killings) began, your first kill is that Christian friend of yours.
The lady in question if described would be one of the nicest souls ever. Almost always pays for our lunch, giving us one gift or the other, always calls, kind... The same can be said of the average Northern Muslim but the minute their religious killings begin, you're worthy of nprhing but death in their books

Having schooled in the North, I've had my fair share of sleepless nights, sleeping in bushes, hiding in crazyplaces for fear of being killed, have lost loved ones, some whose bodies were never found till date, have had to escape back to my parents with just the clothes on my bag  and next to nothing in my hand

Nothing matters when they begin to kill. That you're a Muslim guarantees nothing so long as you're not a Northern Muslim. Deborah Samuel's killers claimed Blasphemy against their Prophet and now there's a protest to release the killers who were arrested by the Police. You see, when it comes to these fanatical killings in the North, not even education makes a difference to them as we can see many educated elites who have been in support of the cold blooded daylight murder including the son to Ex-IGP so what hope is there for any justice or peace?

If things go according to the tenements of the Nigeria of today, we already know the end of this matter: nothing will be done. It's just gonna be another case to be swept under the rug.
Silence in the face of injustice or evil is simply cowardice and support.
Let us say no to this rampaging demon.


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