Mummy are you Grandma?

'Mummy are you Grandma?'
That was my son speaking the minute he saw me all dressed up.

Today happened to be mother's day in my church and as is customary to most Nigerian churches, the uniformed decided upon was white blouse on a certain wrapper. The interesting part was, we had to tie the wrapper!

My Mom is a big time lover of native dresses and 80% of the time, she's dressed  up for Sunday services in wrapper and blouse, with the accompanying gele. She recently came visiting and spent a long with us and as usual, wore her favourite dress style all through her stay, so the minute the kids saw me all dolled up, all they saw was that i decided to take up Grandma's style and that's how they chased me round church all through the service shouting 'Grandma, Mummy is Grandma'πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†
Well, i can't fault them cause it really was the first time they'd be seeing me in such fashion.

Accompanied with the background jabs from  my kids, was the fear of falling down and loosing my teeth. Ohhhh how my Mum tried severally to teach me how to tie wrapper, but it was going into the right ear and leaving through the left.
Many years later, i was faced with the task and there i was sweating and wishing but you trust na, Chi-Chi, as per God's favourite baby, he didn't allow wrapper to mess me up. I successfully made it through church service without falling down while walking or the risk of going naked from a loosed wrapperπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

A big thumbs up to all the women who slay this fashion effortlessly, i and my fellow non-wrapper tying gang hail and admire thee. Una doooo!


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