Say No!
It began little by little
A passing comment here, a statement there
Another sarcastic comment
And bit by bit my confidence began to wear down
He talked me so down I began to doubt and second guess myself
My ever cheerful and bubbling personality began to disappear
'Why did you do it this way and not that way?
You mustn't give an opinion in every meeting?
Why are you wearing makeup?(He eventually married a lady who practically lived on makeup)
You're too western for my liking(but you met me that way)'...
I began to withdraw into a shell, couldn't talk to friends
And gradually, became a shadow of myself
Whenever we hear domestic abuse, our first thoughts go to physical abuse
How about emotional abuse?
Some partners are so manipulative
And their words?
Overtime, you forget who you really are
It's as bad as the physical abuse if not even worse
Soon enough, you'd begin to think you've got a problem
Been around such a partner or know anyone in that kind of situation?
Take a walk as soon as you can for the sake of your sanity. They're never worth the emotional stress, time spent in tears or the beauty of your soul
You deserve the best
You deserve a person who loves you wholly as you are
You deserve peace of mind and happiness in whatever relationship you find yourself.
Say no to that abuser!
The abusers usually start by isolating their victims, then making them lose their self worth and confidence... if you see these signs, run away.