
Our generation of youth want the glamour without the commensurate hardwork.
We want the Rolce Royce 
We want the blings and diamonds
Holidays in the Bahamas
The designers
But please don't mention hardwork, perseverance, study, self-development by any means.

Hubby recently got a new car and someone walked up to him and said 'Boss abeg put me for line na, i get laptop, i dey willing to pay the price'. Of course, he stopped talking to hubby and called him a bad friend when hubby told him there was no secret formula.

This person earns way higher than hubby. Our secret as to achieving all we have is that, we set targets and channel every of our resources to that project until we get it done and on completion, people begin to wonder how we achieve such big projects.

We see people and want what they have or crave the big boy life without realizing that genuine and lasting wealth only respects principles, it can't be rushed and it's traceable; any other source is fleeting. So instead of cheating, cutting corners or looking for one baba to break egg and give us red soap, let's invest in developing ourselves, challenge ourselves intellectually, be intentional about our growth and know that progress doesn't happen overnight


  1. There's no shortcut to success, set a target and achieve it. Little targets will lead to great results


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