
 The silhouette challenge was on. I had watched several that I found amazing Hubby traveled as usual and was due to return that day so I thought 'why not silhouette my bobo'

I went the extra mile of buying new lingerie after rehearsing my moves

So when I heard pimmmmpimmmm, baby girl was all scented, dressed and ready

My heart was going kikum kikum tonight you shall collect wotorwotor chai!

My Mr Handsome walked into a warm welcome

Everything we did, I was just dropping hint

Bending, squatting, slip ups with sexy pose

Only for hubby to ask in the middle of my acrobatic moves 'Baby ain't you cold?'

Heeeyyyyy God Most High!

So all these my Beyonce moves were for nothing?

This Igbo man!

It's not him I blame, it's me that decided that wearing g-string and some silk would do it.

Have you ever tried giving your partner 'the signal' and it was lost on them?


  1. There are times he gives you hints too... but you probably don't catch it too... Don't you think?


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