The best medicine

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Studies have shown that patients who are surrounded by their loved ones recover way faster than those who are not
The same is reflected in children who grew up in loving homes, who have greater advantage of growing up more rounded and balanced than those who didn't

Anyone close to me can testify how i do play alot. One time i asked hubby how he coped with so so playful nature and he responded by saying 'Babe, i've met too many serious people. Your playfulness and open nature is one of the countless reasons i love you'

Love and happiness are strong magnetic forces that are difficult to resist
No one who finds a home full of laughter and love will choose another devoid it

That cute smile might be the key to you winning that project, that contract, that Boss over, that partner....
Love is like sunshine, no plant grows well outside it
Make wearing a smile wherever you go, your latest and finest adornment.


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