Time changes yesterday

Time is a sure test of everything. Time is a filter through which we come to the consciousness of things that are of utmost importance or value

Remember the days of Hummer Jeep? So many songs were sang around it
How about the BlackBerry days? Bold 1, Bold... Nollywood even debuted a movie to honour it
The days of Infinity Jeep, End of Discussion, Murano? Ohhhh ok, let's go back a little. Remember Beetle?
The days of Black and white TV box? I remember the merciless beating my siblings and i received for sneaking out to go watch TV through our neighbour's window. Now, it's almost practically impossible not to find TV everywhere you turn. Not just TV, smart ones, even beyond that, everything can be gotten in a smartphone now

The point is, so many people did alot of crazy things to get these stuffs
Some spent their life savings
As anyone in possession of the aforementioned back then was seen as a wealthy person
Many years after, all these things are nothing but thrash
There's always going to be something new popping up
If someone were to dash you a hummer now i'm sure you'd reject it immediately

Today, you trick your friend to buy you bone straight, tomorrow you use your school fees to buy iPhone, next tomorrow you're scheming who you'd beg for money to get another gadget 
How long can one keep up with all the trends?
That hot deal of today will become nothing in just a matter of days
Are they nice to have? Definitely yes
But not when you have to scrap, beg, scheme, trade what's valuable to have them because in the end, they'd surely fade away.


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