Unapologetically entitled

Why do people feel entitled to other people's money, properties and the likes?

Was having a conversation with a friend today and she mentioned how someone asked her for a loan, to be returned in a few days. The loan was never repayed, no mention of it was ever made, no apology, instead he requested for another loan. By the third loan request, she reminded him of the previous two he hadn't paid. He responded by telling her she was bigger than those sums so why was she requested he repaid her?

So a person goes out to toil and sweat, face risks and more, only to  have someone come along and feeling entitled to your sweat and all you laboured for.

No, they're not asking how you achieved success so they'd learn, they just want to take what you have and  you become a bad, stingy and selfish person when you turn them down.

Nobody owes anyone anything. See something you admire? Work and get yours. Stop hating on people enjoying their labour, you're not their responsibility. Get up  and create your own wealth.


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