When there was a caught!

'It's the devil's handwork' or better still ' 'The devil pushed me to do it' is the common phrase used by people when caught in a crime

They steal, kill, rape, commit fraud, do drugs, cheat, cut corners..... all premeditated acts, but blame it on the devil whenever they're caught
Sometimes the level of ingenuity people put into the crimes they commit can be so mind blowing
The time spent to put bits and pieces in place or time spent perfecting their evil acts, same time that could've been invested in positive ventures yet cry 'devil' when caught

You wonder at how quick the young ones are in learning to do bad but give excuses for good
Ohhhhh, it's because they lack guidance! One might say
So how come their minds only think up evil? How come the mind that was used to think bad cannot be chosen to be used to think up good?

Every action is a product of a conscious decision whether good or bad
Choose today, to channel that energy and that creative mind to doing good
Everything is a choice!


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