A letter to Uchenna my sugar zaddy

Today's been long overdue, 
After celebrating women countlessly under several tags, the world finally decides to honour the men with one day.

Sweet zaddy,
You've shown me immeasurable love
Peace without bounds
Support without asking for anything in return
Comfort, kindness, patience
King of my heart
Prince of my world
Father figure
You continuously go out of your way to satisfy my every craving.

Your sacifices are numerous to be numbered
Too weighty to be quantified
You're that fountain that gives and keeps  on giving
A selfless husband
An exemplary father.

Today i celebrate you my greatest Love
For all that you are and all that you represent
Today i celebrate a friend who shows up anytime i call
Who knows what my heart longs for even before the words are said
I celebrate you my soulmate.

To my loving father who instructed me, 
Who watchfully and intentionally guided my path to the woman i've become
Who loved his children unconditionally
You're a wonderful father and today i celebrate you.

To every man out there 
For all the sacrifices you make daily to see your family happy
For all you've deprieved yourself of in order to satisfy our own needs
For the joy you give and the hope you bring.
We thank you.
Happy Father's day.


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