And so?

There's really no manual for parenting, we simply do what we perceive as the best for our children, though we have several materials that might provide some form of guide.

Went visiting a family today and in the middle of our talks, their 2yrs old daughter ran out to her Dad singing and talking. It appeared like he was ashamed  and scolded her to go back to her room. Why?
And he said 'Look at her, isn't she too small for her age?

Indeed, the child looked somewhat smaller but i couldn't understand his treatment so i asked him 'Is there an award for the fastest growing child?'

Do not put pressure on yourself and your healthy child when they don't reach some milestones at some age people perceive they should. Children teeth, crawl, walk, run and more in their own time
What's most important is that your children are healthy and loved.


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