Attitude Vs Principles

Bad attitude has been hidden under the guise of being principled for so long.
I had a literal experience of the adage ' A bad attitude is like a flat tyre, you can't go anywhere with it'
Hubby and i woke up monday morning to find our front tyre had gone completely flat and we had an appointment to meet up. We decided to try rolling the car to the nearest junction but the screeching sounds won't even let us leave our house. Hubby had to loose the tyre and fix a spare before we could leave home.

A person with principle will  not resort to insults or act out or be adamant when other views outside of his is presented.
So many people have lost out on jobs, and life transforming opportunities due to bad attitude.
Talking down and being rude to people in the name of 'I can't take rubbish or allow anyone look down on me'
Putting up bad behaviour and claiming 'Anyone who can't accept me the way i am, has lost'
Having the right attitude is the most beautiful clothe anyone can be adorned with.
It's a breathe of fresh air
It creates a welcoming atmosphere
It opens doors and draws people to us.
The right attitude is key!


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