Can we talk?

Must everything end with a fight?
Just because a person doesn't agree with your beliefs, opinions or position over a thing does not license you to cut the other person down with your words or actions.

We are all entitled to our opinions. The fact that we have different views is what brings colour to the table. It also affords the opportunity for learning, to understand the views of others, to expand what we know, to even unlearn or be better informed.
Having an open mindset about things is a very necessary ingredient for growth.

Today a gospel artist asked people to make a certain post at a certain time. Of course due to his influence the posts spread like wildfire.
Several persons came online to bash and mock the artist.
You see or hear of something a person said or did you don't agree with, either you ignore, try to understand the other person's perspective or submit your views or corrections in love or objectively.
One must not resort to becoming abusive or harsh to drive their points home.
So long as any view doesn't cause or instigate harm, no matter how much controversial the issue is, civilized discussions can be had and views exchanged courteously.

Hope you're setting that ring light for the right reasons?


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