Duchee & Gabana

Why are people jealous like this?
Why can't people just mind their business?
Any small peace and joy you get they'd be looking for ways to puncture it.

It's not like i'm not a big girl oh
It's just that i don't like showing off you get?
Well, sometime one Christmas in my high school days, it seemed everyone had a designer item in their wardrobe the term that just preceeded the Christmas holiday.

Unnecessary tension everywhere
Designer bag, designer shirt, designer shoe, designer this and that
I decided to take my eyes off these wordly things and focus on my God and besides why spend money on trivial things when you should be chasing destiny, helping the poor and stuffs like that.

Well, well my people, 22nd December, yours truly and my family landed in the East and guess what? 
I saw them designer everything flying everywhere
My God! The tension followed me to the village?
A whole me Abuja Babe had no designer label but young boys and girls in the village were flaunting it up and down?
This was the height of it and this was when i knew something had to be done.

Following morning God being so kind a cousin of mine wore her designer shirt to come greet my parents. I quickly jumped on the opportunity and gave her the money to buy me one.
Finally, God had wiped my tears. I was shocked to discover the shirt didn't even cost much oh. Ordinary #1500 shirt is what all these my classmates were using to oppress somebody in Abuja.

The minute we landed our base in Abuja after the holidays, i couldn't wait to show up and show off
So there i was feeling on top of the world, hanging out with friends with my designer top on, i finally belonged.
Somehow i don't know where this Madam enemy came from, after admiring my shirt, she asked where i got it from. Proudly told her it was from the East and that's where my nightmare began. She showed me hers and told me a cousin sent it from USA, another said her brother sent hers from U.K before you know i was just hearing abroad up  and down hmmmmmm on close observations i don't even know how to break this to you all but in place of DOLCE & GABBANA mine read DUCHEE & GABANA😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Don't ask me how i made it home.

Ndi onitsha thank you oh unu dalu.


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