Hunger games; why me?

Please can someone explain the science behind this?
After billing my maga, he bought everything in the list and more
Baby girl was set for the night
I didn't even have anything as anticipation for what was to come was so hiiiigggghhhh

So i'm sitting with my phone wondering how to go through this night
It sure's gonna be a long night and i'm wondering why these village people chose to strike a good girl like me

Boo came home while i was taking a nap so he chose to let me enjoy my sleep
Decided to do some loving up as per gratitude before i headed to the kitchen.
He bought everything I'd need to make my favourite meal and a bottle of wine chilling.

Washed and seasoned the chicken 
Taap taaap, no response
Taap, taaap, nothing
I turned the knob for the third time, nothing
That's how gas finished oh this night without warning.
Please who can explain the science behind gas finishing at night or at times when you can't do anything about it?

Bent over my cup of garri and thinking of the long hours ahead of me tonight.
Singing in Phyno's voice 
          'Father father ehhhhh
           Father father ehhhhh'.

Una goodnight!


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