Jealousy, the root of hatred

Ever met people who are envious and praying for your downfall for no reason at all?

So hubby and i were returning home and  got to the police check point before our house. The cars on the opposite side were given the signal to go so our lane had to stop. A big truck was trying to navigate it's way and everyone was making room for it to pass. In front of us was a tricycle, hubby horned severally for him to go forward so we'd move as well out of the truck's way given that he had space in front of him. The man adamantly refused, so hubby came down to talk to him. Guess his response? 'Oga no disturb me oh, no be me say make you buy big car' he said and stayed put until the truck got to where we were and couldn't move, causing traffic. The police almost beat him up before he moved to give us room.

Ever met motorcyclist who'd drag and almost if not actually hit you.The minute you come down to complain, the next thing you'd hear is 'blood money car' or 'ritualist'

Some others look at you and start calling you shaddy and all. 'How is he making money sef?'. Their envy can come about anything. And they'd begin spreading false informations about you and giving you attitude.
Envy blinds them to see the good in and around them or in those they envy.

Anyway, no matter how dark their words and attitude may be, it can't stop your shine!


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