Mummy duties

2:15am, i lay on the bed with my eyes closed but my mind was still churning out chore after chore.

It had been a long day out. On getting home, one look around and the 'everything has got to be in it's place' me took to instantly arranging, dusting, washing, fixing, mopping up ohhhhhhh let's not forget the kid's laundry, you know the uniform and it's likes had to be washed.
Not stretched out enough? Add dinner to all the activities and i was functioning on maximum capacity.
A few hours later, i could barely stand yet i had to do battle with the kids.

Was speaking with a friend who was ill.
Illness however,didn't stop everyone from waiting on her to run the house.
This brings me to the discuss for today.
Why do women find it hard to rest? 
From one chore to the other and before you know it, it's another nightfall. By morning the cycle is repeated again.

Truth is that we have to consciously teach our minds to learn that the chores will never end, the kids won't stop making a mess. 
Do the bit you can per time and REST before the body takes it by force.


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