Never say never until it's done

It takes alot of courage to keep at a thing with little or no results no matter how much positive or good what you're doing is.

At the beginning of embarking on any goal, there's usually an exceptional amount of motivation, inspiration and all of such that we might even unconsciously spread the fever of passion to those around us.

This post however is about those times when it feels like you're burnt out but you've got to keep going,
When those around have already heard you talk about your goals so much so that they're no longer enthusiastic when they hear you,
When results don't begin to show as at when you expected it to but you've got to keep working and keep believing.
Times when everything goes cold and you've got to encourage and inspire yourself.

Remember the famous Thomas Edison and his attempts at making the bulb light? Of course he finally got it, but imagine what his friends would've said at the 604th attempt? 
How other scientists would've considered him a nutcase by the 799th attempt?
How much his partner would've considered him crazy or even gotten tired of listening to his theories by the 898th time?
How about the amount of time and resources he'd have put in that others would've considered a waste by the 999th time?
He probably would've said 'I'm very sure this lightbulb will work'. By this time everyone would've simply rolled their eyes and dismissed him.
He so much believed in his dream to have given it the 1000th attempt that yielded his desired result and today the world celebrates him and are enjoying from his dogged belief to succeed.
So when you feel down again, remember why you started in the first place, remind yourself of your end goal and learn to do it differently from your past mistakes if need be.
Nobody can champion your cause better than you.
You are your biggest motivation.


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