Bum jigi-jigi😘😗

Smack! Smack!!
This was the third time! The third time oh!
After Bobo finished arguing with me he's looking for jigi-jigi? 
If he likes let him do a strip dance, as you see me, i'm married to Jesus. Things of the world cannot move me.

That's how Baby girl was walking up and down displaying goods and services
Suddenly i found myself pinned to the wall oh
Ahhhhhhhhh ebami oh!
How did this Igbo man know that deep down baby girl was equally singing 'mamase mamasa mamakosa' in Michael Jackson's voice?

Pin me all you want Baby, i'm here for you
However i didn't go down without a sprinkle of shakara, seasoned with loads of petting and begging from Bobo.😋😗😙.
Serious love nwantiti.


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